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The Zero Sum Art Project


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The artworks in the Zero Sum Art Project are titled chronologically, in the order in which they were made. Italicized artworks in this list are being held back for an exhibition; the sales from the exhibition will follow all of the ZSAP rules, but a number of pieces will be presented simultaneously. So, to rather belabor the point, the titles allow you to follow the evolution of the imagery, but do not reflect the order in which the artworks were sold.

Zero Sum #1

Zero Sum #2

Zero Sum #3

Zero Sum #4

Zero Sum #5

Zero Sum #6

Zero Sum #7

Zero Sum #8

Zero Sum #9

Zero Sum #10

Zero Sum #11

Zero Sum #12

Zero Sum #13

Zero Sum #14 and Zero Sum #14

Zero Sum #15

Zero Sum #16

Zero Sum #17

Zero Sum #18

Zero Sum #19

Zero Sum #20 and Zero Sum #20

Zero Sum #21 and Zero Sum #21

Zero Sum #22 and Zero Sum #22

Zero Sum #23

Zero Sum #24